Who’s Jingling Now?

Who's Jingling Now Album Cover

This week as I was cleaning out my iTunes library (in an attempt to free up some space on my computer’s hard drive…I’m almost out!), I came across this little gem.

I wrote Who’s Jingling Now? right around this time last year as part of my early childhood music class curriculum, but for some reason I never got around to sharing it with you. Better late than never, I suppose.

A few of the objectives I had in mind when I wrote this song include: taking turns, individual play, listening skills, group cohesion, and both fine and gross motor skills. The song is meant to be used in a group setting, and provides each child in the group an opportunity to be the “featured” player.

I purposefully left out directions for playing a specific way (up high/down low, fast/slow, etc.) because I like to use this song as a lead-in to more structured instrument play. The expectations are not too high for a child who is just starting to get comfortable playing in a group and being singled out.