Focusing on the Elements of Music: Tempo

Focusing on the Elements of Music | Tempo | Listen & Learn Music

This post is the third in a series all about utilizing the elements of music in music therapy sessions or music classes, check out the first two posts on rhythm and dynamics right here! The elements of music series will continue with a focus on tempo.

There are so many fun things about music therapy sessions or music classes, but I bet my kiddos would tell you that their favorite part of music is playing FAST. And you know what’s even better than that? Playing FASTER!!


How to Get My Audiobook for Free on Audible

How to Get My Audiobook for Free on Audible | Innovative Income for Music Therapists

The fact that my audiobook is available on Audible is crazy exciting for me, because I am an Audible addict. I’ve had a gold monthly membership since 2014, which means I receive a credit to purchase a new audiobook every month. When I am driving, doing laundry, working out, grocery shopping, or engaged in anything else that doesn’t require full brain power, I am listening to an audiobook.

Since I know that many other music therapists, including my very own team at Music Therapy Connections, are also fans of learning through listening (both in audiobook and podcast form), turning Innovative Income for Music Therapists into an audiobook was a no-brainer.
