Final Evaluation: Early Childhood & Preschool Music in the Virtual Setting Please complete and submit this evaluation once you have finished the course materials. Name* First Last CBMT Number*How would you rate the instructor's presentation style?* Excellent Good Fair Poor How would you rate the instructor's knowledge of subject and clarity?* Excellent Good Fair Poor How would you rate the instructor's interaction with participants?* Excellent Good Fair Poor How would you rate the quality of relevant information?* Excellent Good Fair Poor How would you rate the quantity of relevant information?* Excellent Good Fair Poor How would you rate organization of the material?* Excellent Good Fair Poor Was the following CMTE learning objective met?*Participant will be able to create a virtual space conducive to client engagement. (BCD I.D.8) Yes No Was the following CMTE learning objective met?*Participant will be able to select appropriate musical instruments and equipment consistent with treatment needs. (BCD I.D.11) Yes No Was the following CMTE learning objective met?*Participant will be able to structure and organize music therapy experiences within each session to create therapeutic contour (e.g., transitions, pacing, sequencing, energy level, intensity). (BCD I.D.15) Yes No Was the following CMTE learning objective met?*Participant will be able to develop and enhance technology skills. (BCD IV.A.7) Yes No Was the online environment conducive to learning?* Yes No Was the length of the program appropriate?* Yes No Was the amount of material presented sufficient?* Yes No Were your educational needs and expectations met?* Yes No What information presented in this course was most useful to your professional life?This CMTE course could be improved by:Please suggest topics for future CMTE courses:If you found this course to be beneficial, would you consider writing a short testimonial? Thank you in advance!Please select one: Board-Certified Music Therapist Music Therapy Intern or Student Music Educator Δ