Rachel Rambach, MM, MT-BC
Welcome! My name is Rachel Rambach. Here are a few words and phrases I might use to describe myself: mom, music therapist, business owner, singer, songwriter, and educator. So what happens when all of these aspects of my life converge? Well, you’re looking at it!

This is where all of my interests and skills are combined for one purpose: to make peoples’ lives better through music. Whether it’s through my original songs, serving my community through my business, or singing with my children, this is my favorite place to share my musical endeavors. Thank you for visiting, and I hope to get to know you better.

In addition to my music therapy work, I also perform frequently in local venues and at both public and private events. To inquire about booking opportunities, please contact me via email, rachel@rachelrambach.com.
Performances | Rachel Rambach
Whether it is a school performance, outreach event, or fundraiser, I love making music with children in the community! To inquire about booking opportunities, please contact me via email, rachel@rachelrambach.com.
Events | Rachel Rambach
For over 100 videos of my original songs, work with children, and performances, visit my YouTube channel here.
Videos | Rachel Rambach
Want to know more about my background and journey to becoming a music therapist? Read my story for all the details, including the evolution of my business and family.
Join Listen & Learn Plus!

Members of Listen & Learn Plus have access to ALL of my songs, resources, and session plans. Learn more about the perks of membership, and get a free sneak peek inside.

This is the book that will help you shape your music therapy career in order to make more money and live your ideal lifestyle.

Written by Listen & Learn Music creator Rachel Rambach, MM, MT-BC, Innovative Income for Music Therapists combines her own experiences with those of other trailblazing music therapists to illustrate the virtually endless ways in which to generate revenue using your unique training, knowledge and skills.

Rachel Rambach | Board-Certified Music Therapist | Springfield, IL

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Recent Blog Posts

Falling Into Fall

Falling Into Fall | Listen & Learn Music | Rachel Rambach

Now that we’re all back into our school year groove, it’s time to jump into the first theme of the school year: FALL!

Ah, fall: that magical time of year when all of the leaves change colors, we go apple picking, take trips to the pumpkin patch, pull out all of our cozy sweaters…I could go on, but you get the picture! I like to bring seasonal and holiday themes into my music therapy sessions and music classes in order to change up my repertoire while still remaining goal-oriented.

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How I’m Prioritizing Self-Care this Month

How I'm Prioritizing Self-Care in September | Rachel Rambach | Listen & Learn Music

Self-care is a term that you hear a LOT, especially if you work in a helping profession. Before I started taking my overall well-being really seriously, I laughed off self-care and the stereotypical activities associated with it ⁠— taking a bubble bath, getting a massage, etc.

However, not prioritizing self-care has led to some really unfortunate and even scary situations, including going into early labor during my second pregnancy. I’ve experienced several bouts of professional burnout as well, each of which I’ve attributed to a lack of self-care.

During this month of September, taking care of my mental, emotional and physical health is even higher on my priority list than usual. My family is adjusting to the new school year, my husband and I are buying a building (more on that soon!), my private practice is in a season of expansion, and I’m in the middle of writing a book.

So…yeah, self-care is essential right now.

We all have our own definitions, ideas, and maybe even misconceptions of what self-care looks like, so I’m going to share what it is for me at this moment in time and how it’s having a positive effect on my life.

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How to Wind Down at the End of Music

How to Wind Down at the End of Music | Listen & Learn Music

When leading any type of music therapy session or music class, I always make sure that my clients and students aren’t all hyped up when they leave me. Music is a favorite activity for many of my kiddos, so they are usually excited when they walk in the door, but when they walk out, my goal is for them to be calm, cool, and collected. 

Making sure children are in the “green zone” when they are finished with music is important for lots of reasons. Transitions are a lot easier when children are calm, because they are in a regulated state. On top of that, teachers, parents and caregivers will be forever grateful to you when their child walks away from music as cool as a cucumber. 

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Off to Pre-K and 1st Grade!

Off to Pre-K and 1st Grade | Rachel Rambach | Listen & Learn Music

Last week, we reached a new milestone in our family: both kids are back together again at the same school, on the same schedule! My daughter started all-day Pre-K and joined my son, who started 1st grade.

If you’re a parent who has juggled multiple drop-offs, pick-ups, and differing schedules at any point in time, then I’m sure you can appreciate my excitement over this new development.

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3 Back-To-School Songs for Your Musical Toolbox

Here in New England, there are single digit days left until back-to-school time. The kiddos’ backpacks are packed, first day of school outfits have been chosen, and every teacher I know is buzzing like a bee, making sure their classrooms are ready for that first day.

As a music therapist, that means lots of scheduling and preparing for the new year and the fall season! Personally, I’ve always felt like the school year is a fresh start, so I’ve taken it upon myself every fall to learn new repertoire, create new visuals, and refresh my musical tool kit.

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Innovative Income for Music Therapists

Innovative Income for Music Therapists - Beyond Direct Service and Private Practice | Listen & Learn Music

In early fall of 2018, I got the itch to write a book. This has always been on my bucket list, but I just couldn’t nail down a topic. I have dozens of ideas stored in the Notes app of my phone, most of which I quickly abandoned after brainstorming bullet points.

But on December 17, the topic I was meant to write about came to me — where else? — in the shower. (It’s where I get all my best ideas.) I got out, got dressed, then ran to my laptop to capture all the thoughts flooding out of my brain.

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4 Keys to Communicating with Children

4 Keys to Communicating with Children | Listen & Learn Music

When working with young children, it can sometimes be difficult to understand what they are trying to tell you. Whether that is because their language skills are still developing, their speech isn’t quite intelligible yet, or because other modes of communication are preferred, we need to make sure we are doing all that we can to communicate effectively with our students and clients. 

There are many ways in which we can adapt our methods so that we can communicate with children of any age and a variety of needs. Below, I’ve listed a few strategies that I utilize in my music therapy sessions and music classes. I’ve also included a song from the Listen & Learn Music collection that makes use of each communication strategy.

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What I’m Reading This Summer

What I'm Reading This Summer | Rachel Rambach | Listen & Learn Music

My absolute favorite thing to do when I have any downtime at all is READ. I have been a book nerd my whole life, and now that audiobooks are a thing, I’ve been able to fit in a lot more “reading” than ever before in my adult life (especially since becoming a parent!).

This summer, I’ve made a conscious effort to read more for fun, and I’m pretty proud of the number of books I’ve added to my list so far. In case you are looking for some good reads, here are my favorites so far this summer.

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Helping Children Slow Down and Stay in Control

One of the most amazing qualities about music is its versatility. It can pump us up, bring back memories, teach us new skills, and calm us down. There is so much power in our melodies and chords, so let’s use our powers for good, and make sure that our clients and students leave music therapy sessions and music classes in a regulated state. 

A few weeks ago, I wrote about What It’s Like to be a Therapist at a Camp for Kids with Special Needs, and I briefly mentioned that I use music to help the campers (and staff!) stay calm and practice regulation strategies. This week, I want to expand on that and let you in on all my secrets for helping children remain slow and in control in situations where that is most appropriate!

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Keeping Caregivers Engaged in the Music

Engaging Parents and Caregivers in Music Class or Music Therapy | Listen & Learn Music

Parents and caregivers often attend music classes and music therapy sessions, and although those classes and sessions are not for them, their presence so important to the progress and growth of our clients and students. 

It’s always important to engage everyone in the room through the music, and unfortunately sometimes the adults get forgotten. But parents and caregivers are more likely to engage with their children and return to music class and music therapy sessions if they are also playing instruments, singing along, and dancing.

Over the years, I’ve learned a few things that can help keep everybody engaged during music class or music therapy!

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