If You’re Wearing a Red Shirt…

If You're Wearing a Red Shirt

One thing I’ve noticed when I give a child a pair of rhythm sticks is that it’s extremely difficult for him or her not to make some kind of noise with them. So I made a game out of it.

“If You’re Wearing a Red Shirt” is a simple, repetitive song that directs children in a group to play their rhythm sticks only if they fit the description in that particular verse. It goes like this:

If you’re sitting down,
Tap your sticks just like this.
Tap-tap-tap-tap, tap-tap-tap,

If you’re a girl,
Tap your sticks just like this.
Tap-tap-tap-tap, tap-tap-tap,

If you’re a boy,
Tap your sticks just like this.
Tap-tap-tap-tap, tap-tap-tap,

If you’re wearing a red shirt,
Tap your sticks just like this.
Tap-tap-tap-tap, tap-tap-tap,

{Continue, using different descriptives}

The kids with whom I’ve used this activity get a kick out of the descriptions I choose for each verse — they are usually much more specific and creative than the very basic ones I included in the recording. Sometimes only one child will fit a description, and other times just for fun I’ll choose a description that nobody fits.

The best part is that everyone actually listens carefully and plays their rhythm sticks only when they should be playing. After all, that’s the goal!

Sunday Singalong: Ready, Set, Wait!

I really wanted to film this week’s video outside, but unfortunately my cameraman (aka my husband) was taking a nap after a long day of yard work and soccer.  My usual studio setting will have to do for today, but there will be more outdoor videos in the near future!

I chose “Ready, Set, Wait!” (read more and download it here) as this week’s song because first of all, it’s been awhile since I actually sang one of my own Listen & Learn songs in a Sunday Singalong video.  Second, I’ve been singing it a lot lately with my kiddos, and I always get such a positive response.  Third, I just really like it!  Hope you do, too.

If you have a song in mind for next week’s video, let me know.  If I choose your suggestion, you get a free album download of your choice.

Tomorrow begins the last full week of school before…summer break!  It’s also my last full week of music therapy and lessons for my private practice, after which we’ll have a two-week break.  I’m kicking off my mini-vacation with a Memorial Day weekend trip to New York City, but before I get to that, I have a very busy five days ahead.  Ready, set, GO!


As I mentioned last week, my husband and I went on a quick getaway this weekend and while we had a great time, it’s always nice to get back into the regular routine. This week is already off to a busy start, with an even busier weekend ahead…I’m performing this Friday evening, playing for a birthday party on Saturday, and then my children’s choirs are singing in church on Sunday morning. Phew, I’m tired just thinking about it!

But let’s get to today’s subject: impulse control. This is always an issue when working with any child, whether he or she has a disability or not. Last year I wrote a fun little song to target impulse control skills, called Ready, Set, Wait!

Let’s wiggle our fingers, when I say go.
We’ll wiggle wiggle wiggle them, to and fro.
Let’s wiggle our fingers, when I say go.

When I say wait, don’t go just yet.
Listen for what comes after “set”
But when I say go then you will know…
To wiggle those fingers to and fro.

Wiggle wiggle, wiggle wiggle wiggle,
Wiggle those fingers to and fro.
Wiggle wiggle, wiggle wiggle wiggle,
Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle them to and fro…now STOP!


My students are always surprised when they hear “WAIT!” in the first verse, and then they are so excited to hear “GO!” so that they can wiggle whatever body part is called. They love to freeze when they hear “STOP!” and with a little practice, they can follow all three commands easily.