SPRING!! Raise your hand if you have been counting down the days until its arrival (my hand is high in the air). Even though it’s pretty chilly outside this morning, the sun is shining and the promise of consistent warm weather is palpable. Most exciting of all is that I finally get to sing my “spring” song, which goes like this:
Winter’s gone away,
Spring is in the air!
Winter’s gone away,
Spring is in the air!
Winter’s gone away,
Spring is in the air!
Winter’s gone, let’s go outside, it is spring!
Flowers start to grow,
Spring is in the air!
Flowers start to grow,
Spring is in the air!
Flowers start to grow,
Spring is in the air!
Flowers grow, no more snow, it is spring!
Warm and sunny days,
Spring is in the air!
Warm and sunny days,
Spring is in the air!
Warm and sunny days,
Spring is in the air!
Warm days, sun’s rays, spring is here!
In more moving news (I know, you’re probably sick of hearing about it by now), we spent our first night in the new house last night! Most of the boxes are unpacked, and our new furniture will be arriving today along with direcTV. It is finally beginning to feel like our home. I will try to post some pictures this weekend, so until then, happy Friday and happy Spring!
Love the idea for music therapy!