Fun fact: Michelle Erfurt is the very first music therapist friend I made online. The funny thing is that it wasn’t through Facebook or Twitter; we actually met via the email listserv (old school!). She contacted me right after I launched Listen & Learn Music and shared a link on the listserv way back in 2008, and we got together in person while I was in Florida a couple months later.
Michelle and I hit it off immediately. Not only did we become fast friends, but we also became business partners. She published my very first songbook, and then we joined forces with Kimberly Sena Moore the following year to create the Music Therapy Round Table and Music Therapy Pro. Michelle and I text or chat on almost a daily basis not only about business stuff, but also about raising a toddler and just life in general.
Michelle talks about her zen pregnancy experience, making the decision not to return to clinical work after maternity leave, and why she prioritizes self-care in Episode 26 of the Guitars & Granola Bars podcast.
Be sure to check out the show notes page for more information about Michelle, along with links to the resources she mentions in the episode.
This episode is sponsored by Music Teacher’s Helper, which is software for music teachers and therapists that helps manage your private music lesson studio and/or music therapy practice. I’ve used Music Teacher’s Helper every single day since 2011, and it is one of the best tools I have to keep my private practice running smoothly.
Sign up here for a 30-day no risk trial. If you choose to sign up after the trial using my link, you’ll save 20% off your first month!
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