My best friend Katie is getting married tonight! I am so excited to be her maid of honor, just like she was for me in my Friday evening wedding almost three years ago (as pictured above).
Not only do I have the responsibilities that go along with being maid of honor (holding the rings, giving a toast, corralling the dress, etc.) but I’m also singing at the ceremony. My friend Ryan, who is an amazing guitarist with whom I’ll be gigging this summer, is going to accompany me.
Last year was the summer of wedding singing — I think I sang at 5 of them — but this year, Katie’s is the only one. But that doesn’t mean I have a shortage of weddings to attend! In fact, Zach’s best friend James is getting married tomorrow. And then two weeks from now he’s in another wedding in Chicago, and the list goes on and on.
Katie and Justin have been together for almost 10 years, so I’ve been waiting for this day for a while now :) It should be a perfect day and evening. I hope you have fun plans for this beautiful Friday, too!