In 2020, school looks different than it ever has before. For some kids, it means logging into a Zoom call. For some kids, it means homeschooling. And for some kids, it means venturing back into the classroom. My own children fall into that last category.
Yesterday was my son’s first day of 2nd grade, and we were all apprehensive heading into it. The decision to return to school was not an easy one, and it came with a lot of deliberation, research, and conversations with fellow parents, teachers, and my family. I talked all about making this choice in the latest episode of the Guitars & Granola Bars podcast, which also features my co-host Jaime Lawrence and her plans for the school year.

Parker’s first day of school definitely looked different than any other year. He went off to school wearing a mask and a fanny pack containing hand sanitizer, and his temperature was checked before he could go inside. He ate lunch in his classroom, at his desk, which was spaced far apart from all the other desks.
But you know what? He came out smiling, and talked about what a great day he had. He didn’t complain about wearing his mask, or not eating in the cafeteria, or anything else. My anxiety is still hanging around, but it has definitely eased up a little.
My daughter will start preK tomorrow, and then, for the first time in 5 months, I’ll have a quiet house and dedicated hours to work. That just might be the biggest adjustment of all! I can’t say I’m not looking forward to it; I really miss immersing myself in a task for hours at a time and feeling productive. That said, I’m not going to get used to our new reality, and I definitely won’t take any of this time for granted, because I know that it could all change again at any point.
This time of year also usually means gearing up for a new session of my early childhood and preschool music classes, but that’s not the case in 2020. All of our in-person groups at Music Therapy Connections have been on hold since March, and will remain so most likely for the foreseeable future. The absence of those is leaving a gaping hole in not only my business, but also (as cheesy as this sounds) my heart. It will be the first September in many years that I haven’t welcomed dozens of families to a fresh season of music classes.
What does “back to school” mean for you, your family, your work? Whatever it looks like, I’m sending you many positive vibes and well wishes as we head into this very abnormal time of transition.