I’ve talked about it enough, so I thought it would only be fair to share with you – my lovely readers – the place where I’ll be doing most of my composing, recording, and blogging. I still have some work left to do (I’m waiting on an area rug and there are pictures to be hung) but here are just a few snapshots to give you an idea of what’s going on in my office/studio.
I promise, I don’t usually blog in the dark…
The piano I’ve played since childhood.
Oh, just brushing up on my Mozart.
Daydreaming about Broadway shows in New York City.
Deciding which instrument I feel like playing.
Bookshelf # 1, organized by category.
Bookshelf # 2
Bookshelf # 3 (and Tink!)
A couple of accomplishments, waiting for wall space :)
So there you have it: a sneak peak into my new favorite spot. I have a feeling I’ll be spending most of my time in this room, and that is okay by me! I have yet to reveal the best parts, so stay tuned…