First things first: it’s time to announce the winner of the SleepPhones Giveaway!  (I used to select a random number from the list of comments.)  That lucky person….drum roll, please…is musicsparks!  Congratulations to you, and a big thank you to the rest of you for entering.  Don’t forget, you can receive $5 off your own pair of SleepPhones by using the coupon code “LALM5” when you order online. Stay tuned for upcoming giveaways, and as always, your regular visits to my humble home in the blogosphere are much appreciated!

Item number two on the agenda will be short and sweet, I promise.  I just have to take a few sentences to brag about my extremely talented piano students, all of whom scored “SUPERIOR” ratings at our local National Federation Junior Festival.  It was my first year as a member of the federation, so this was their first time participating.  It’s not easy to get up and play in front of judges and an audience, but my students looked and sounded like pros (as reflected by their high scores).  It was a proud weekend for this piano teacher!

Item number three is just a reassurance that yes, there ARE new songs coming your way this week!  I’ve had a lot of news and special items to share this past week, but I’m ready to get back to what this blog is really all about.  Tomorrow’s tune is about a VERY tall American icon who lives on the East Coast.  Any guesses?