What Are You Thankful For?


Happy November! I woke up this morning with a huge smile on my face, knowing that I could tuck the Halloween songs away for another year and start the new month out right with a new Thanksgiving tune.  Not only am I sharing it with you here today, but I’ll be introducing this song to my students later this morning.

The idea is to kick off this holiday season with an attitude of thankfulness; I want to get my students thinking about the things and people for which they are thankful.  Some of them will be able to respond verbally and some will not, and that is perfectly fine.  I have plenty to be thankful for, as you will hear:

What are you thankful for?
What are the things that make you smile?
The things in your life you appreciate,
People who go the extra mile.
What are you grateful for?
Who would you like to say thank you to?
I will start: speaking from my heart,
I am thankful for you.

What are you thankful for?
What are the things that make you smile?
The things in your life you appreciate,
People who go the extra mile.
What are you grateful for?
Who would you like to say thank you to?
I will start: speaking from my heart,
I am thankful for you.

Your family and friends at school,
And the teachers who help you learn
Are all people to be thankful for.
Now it’s your turn:


Your bed at night, and where you live,
And the clothes and shoes you wear
Are all things to be thankful for.
Now it’s time for you to share:


The food you eat at every meal,
And the table where you sit
Are all things to be thankful for.
Can you think of more:


A few more things I’m thankful for this month: my brother’s wedding next Saturday, the opportunity to participate in this year’s Children’s Miracle Network radiothon, and my upcoming trip to Cleveland, where I’ll be presenting at the AMTA national conference.  Happy November, indeed!

A Day For Giving Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I’m thrilled to be writing my second “I’m thankful for…” post (you can read last year’s here) and it seems that this year, the list has grown. It has been a truly amazing year full of new experiences, opportunities, friends, and additions to my family. So without further ado, these are the things for which I’m giving thanks today:

1. My Family
Zach and I are celebrating our second Thanksgiving as a married couple, and Sadie, our puppy, is having her first one ever! We are lucky to have most our family right here in Springfield, and they are our biggest supporters in all that we do. We’ve both been blessed with an amazing family.

2. My Career
I was hired at The Hope Institute before my internship even ended, and I am so grateful to have been there for the past 2.5 years. I’m also grateful for the opportunity to have built my own private practice, along with all the other music-related projects in which I’ve taken part over the last year.

3. Our New Home
Although our old house will always be our “first home” as a couple, we are still counting our blessings that we were able to buy our current home last winter. It is perfect for us: I have a dedicated music studio, Sadie has a huge, fenced in backyard, Zach has his “man cave” basement, and there is plenty of room for when our family starts to grow.

4. The Internet
No, really! I have made countless new friends and connections (including YOU!) through Listen & Learn, Facebook, and Twitter, and many of the opportunities I’ve had have come as a result of my online presence. I fully admit that I am a proud internet geek, and for that, I am thankful.

There are so many more reasons to be thankful, but I’d better stop there. I’m off to help my mom make Thanksgiving dinner, after which we’ll hit up Zach’s parents’ house and my uncle’s. Busy day, and I’m already loving every minute of it. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Listen & Learn: Thanksgiving

Okay, everyone…the final countdown has begun! We are only three days away from Thanksgiving, and if your students are anything like mine, they are probably getting restless in anticipation of the holiday and having a mini-break. Maybe you are even experiencing some of this restlessness – I know I am!

But there are still two school days to go before the fun begins, which provides an opportunity to squeeze in just a few more Thanksgiving songs. So with that in mind, I thought I’d recap the songs that I’ve written and have been singing with my students all month long.

Read the original post for each of these songs, including lyrics, here. Also, check out the Songs For Teaching blog (I am one of the bloggers!) for some great songs and ideas. What last-minute Thanksgiving activities are you introducing to your students this week?

Happy Thanksgiving!

Before Thanksgiving Day officially begins in my house, I wanted to take a second to share a few of the things that I am thankful for this year.

1. My Family
I am so lucky to have such a loving family on both my husband’s side and mine; they never stop supporting me in everything I do, and they truly are my biggest fans.

2. Music
I feel so blessed to have music in my life, and to be able to share it with others. The fact that I get to be musical all day long and get paid for it is just icing on the cake.

3. My Home
Zach and have lived in our house for nearly three years now, and sometimes I just look around and think, “wow, we’ve got it pretty good.” I never take that for granted.

4. You
No, really! I started this blog on a whim, never thinking that people would actually read it. Now I get emails from you, letting me know how you are able to adapt and use my songs in your classroom or with your students, and I truly appreciate each and every one of them. The fact that this has become an educational resource thrills me to no end, and I owe that to each and every reader. So thank you!

I hope that you enjoy your Thanksgiving Day just as much as I know I will. See you back here soon!

Thanksgiving Eve

It’s almost here! If you’re like me, you’re probably looking forward to a few days off so that you can relax, spend time with family, and enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday. I have one more song to share with you that I think really captures the spirit of Thanksgiving in a fun, cheerful, and kid-friendly way.

Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving
The day that we give thanks
For the food that’s on our plates and friends with whom we celebrate
Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving
We sing this joyful song
For all the good things that we have to last the whole year long.

Let’s think about the pilgrims,
Who settled long ago.
They started this tradition
The one that we all know as

Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving
The day that we give thanks
For the food that’s on our plates and friends with whom we celebrate
Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving
We sing this joyful song
For all the good things that we have to last the whole year long.

We’ll all eat lots of turkey,
Mashed potatoes, green beans too
End with a slice of pumpkin pie
And then when we are through, we’ll sing

Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving
The day that we give thanks
For the food that’s on our plates and friends with whom we celebrate
Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving
We sing this joyful song
For all the good things that we have to last the whole year long.

What are your plans for Turkey Day? Mine include LOTS of eating – first with my family, and then with my husband Zach’s family. But hey, I’m not complaining :) I hope you all have a very happy Thanksgiving! I’ll be dropping in over the weekend to give a little preview of what is to come in December…hope to see you then!