Sunday Singalong: The September Song

I recorded this video yesterday, when the temperature was in fact pushing 100 degrees. Today, however, feels much more like September.

This week’s forecast is full of days like today, and as nice as it is outside, I’m sad to see summer come to an end. One of my friends posted on Facebook the other day that his four favorite seasons are early summer, mid summer, late summer, and next summer. I can definitely relate!

But September has its perks, even if it means the end of my favorite season is drawing near. Like, for example, the return of the pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks (two more days!). And…well, I’ll think of some other perks and get back to you ;)

Friday Fave: The Most Productive Day Ever

The Most Productive Day Ever

This is the intention I have set for today, because I have no other choice but to complete every item on the long to-do list I composed before bed last night.

Here’s the thing: being in total control of my day-to-day schedule is harder than I thought it would be. I’m an extremely motivated and hard-working person, so I had no doubt I would be disciplined enough to structure my workdays well and get everything done.

But you know what they say about tasks stretching to fill the amount of time you have available to do them? Extremely true — and my friend Kimberly S. Moore (a time management vet who has even written an e-book on the topic) assured me that I’m not the only one who has struggled with this.

So did my mom, who I called just recently to express the guilt I felt due to my lack of super-human productivity. She has lots of experience being self-employed, and possesses more self-discipline than anyone I know. But her comments echoed Kimberly’s as she promised that my struggle is completely normal, and that I will find my rhythm.

Today is the day I find my rhythm. No better day than the Friday before a long weekend. Yes, I have a monster list of tasks ahead of me, but I have a plan. And since I’ve titled this blog post “The Most Productive Day Ever” and furthermore, made it a Friday Fave, my only option is to follow through!