Last month, Listen & Learn celebrated it’s 2nd birthday. I asked my newsletter subscribers to share with me their favorite L&L post or song, and in return, I chose 3 responses to share with you. Valerie K., Jess K., and Kathy S. will receive a physical copy of my studio album Time to Sing Hello in return for making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside :) Thank you to everyone who emailed me notes of congrats, encouragement, and reasons why you keep coming back to Listen & Learn!
Valerie wrote:
After meeting you about a year ago at the 2009 AMTA conference, I have been amazed at your persistence and ability to do what you do. . .through your blog and music. You are definitely an inspiration for the rest of us, reminding us that our work never ends as music therapists. We all have valuable insights and information to share with others. My favorite song so far is the Shaky Fruit song!!!! I have used it multiple times over the past 2 weeks and at times adapt the words/music to go with the flow of the session, but I always keep the doot-doot part the same! I really need to learn another song…haha.
Jess wrote:
I am a recently board-certified music therapist and I have already taken to heart much of what you have written about and included in your blogs. My favorite posts of yours so far have been Is This Music Therapy Thing for Real? and Home Recording Studio Essentials. The former has been incredibly helpful for me, as a new professional working with children with disabilities. There is a big difference between being a graduate student/intern in the field and being considered a “young professional.” While I am excited for this leap into the professional realm, I am also incredibly nervous. It has certainly been a great comfort to me to read an excerpt about your journey as a music therapist and to know that you were once in the same, scared but hopeful place I am! As for your home recording studio essentials—well, I am constantly searching for ideas from people on how they record their music.
Kathy wrote:
I would have to say the posting about your recording studio was one of my favorites (there are many!). Setting up a recording studio like that has been one of my goals for over a year now and it was very helpful and empowering to see the visual images and read the descriptions. I’m actually opening my Snowball mic today and getting ready to make my first Garageband recording! An aside – every time my seven year old hears me checking e-mail and listening to your songs, she always comes running and says, “That’s my favorite singer!” She’s a big fan of Taylor Swift also so that is quite a compliment :-)
I’m a big fan of Taylor Swift, too, so I definitely take that as a huge compliment! Thanks again for the great responses. Oh, and if you haven’t joined my newsletter yet, you should do it now — this month’s edition is coming soon!