Yep, those are my feet, and this is my favorite summer vacation spot…my mom’s pool. Although it’s only two blocks away, I haven’t spent nearly enough time there this summer. I can’t complain, though: I have been lucky to work on several music-related projects that have been both challenging and extremely fulfilling, and I couldn’t think of a better way to spend the summer months.

Yesterday was a great day; I wrapped up one of the big projects that has required almost all of my time in the last couple of weeks. Now that it is “in the vault”, I am finally allowing myself to chill and enjoy my downtime. I am determined to fit in all of the activities that really embody this season for me, including laying by the aforementioned pool, reading magazines and various chick lit, shopping, and going for lazy bike rides around the neighborhood. I only have six days in which to do all of these things, but I have faith in myself :)