In Episode 12 of the Guitars & Granola Bars podcast, I’m chatting with music therapist Aksana Kavaliova-Moussi. Aksana shares her experience completing her masters degree online while raising her young daughter, the challenges of being the only music therapist in her country, and why networking via the internet is essential.
Meet Aksana
Aksana is the only Music Therapist in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and one of the few in the Arabian Gulf region. She holds a Master of Music in Music Therapy degree from Colorado State University, Honours Bachelor of Music Therapy from the University of Windsor in Ontario, Canada, and previously completed Bachelors of Arts and Music Education from her home country Belarus in Eastern Europe. Aksana is a Neurologic Music Therapist and Accredited Music Therapist in Canada. She holds such positions as a Co-Chair of the Online Conference for Music Therapy, and the Eastern Mediterranean Regional Liaison for the World Federation of Music Therapy. Aksana has a private practice in Bahrain, working with children with various special needs.
World Federation of Music Therapy // Aksana serves as a regional liaison.
Online Conference for Music Therapy // Aksana is a co-chair of this yearly conference.
What To Expect When You’re Expecting // Aksana found this book series very helpful while pregnant and raising her daughter. // Aksana enjoyed receiving updates via this website throughout her pregnancy.
Basic Anatomy and Physiology for the Music Therapist // A book for music therapists now available for pre-order.
Music Therapy Handbook // A comprehensive resource for music therapists, edited by Barbara Wheeler.
Summit Music Therapy // Online courses for music therapists from Blythe LaGasse, who has advanced training in Neurologic Music Therapy. // Online CMTE courses for music therapists, curated by Kat Fulton.
The Rhythm Tree // Music therapy resources and videos by Ryan Judd.
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