In Episode 4 of the Guitars & Granola Bars podcast, I’m chatting with music therapist Natalie Mullis. Natalie shares how she prepped her business before her baby was born, spent her maternity leave making major changes to her private practice, and her secrets for getting work done with her son at the office.
Meet Natalie
Natalie Mullis is the owner of Key Changes Therapy Services, LLC in Columbia, South Carolina and mom to her son Desmond who was born in the summer of 2014. She decided to expand her small music therapy private practice during maternity leave to offer speech therapy services and hopefully, occupational and physical therapy in the future.
Key Changes Therapy Services, LLC // Natalie’s private practice website and the home of her blog.
Babywearing International // Natalie is an avid babywearer, and recommends this website as a resource to others who want to learn more about babywearing.
Dr Sears’ Sleep Method // In the episode, Meryl mentioned that she has read and recommends Dr. Sears’ books on baby sleep habits.
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