It’s a Sunday morning, and I’m listening to my children and husband playing below me in the playroom as I happily type away in my upstairs office. We take turns carving out small chunks of time to get things done on the weekends, while the other hangs out with the kids.
I love that I have a place in my home just for my work. That has been a priority in all three of the homes we’ve owned, since I do so much of my job at home.
I didn’t always love my home office in our current house, though. Up until last spring, it was located in our finished basement, which is a perfectly good space; I just didn’t enjoy spending a lot of time there. There isn’t much natural light, it’s not very bright, and I didn’t feel inspired in that office.
So I convinced my husband to swap my basement office with the upstairs guest bedroom, and within days I had a bright and beautiful new office. I actually recorded an entire podcast episode about it, that’s how excited I was!
Since then, I have written and recorded dozens of songs, created an entire CMTE course, conducted plenty of Skype interviews, and run my businesses in this room. I feel happy and motivated when I spend time in here, and it’s a place I can leave my work when I’m done for the day and ready to switch back into family mode.
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This post is a part of my 23 Days of Gratitude series. Click here for the full list of posts. Thank you so much for reading and helping me celebrate the spirit of Thanksgiving!