I have one word for this: hooray! The arrival of March makes me happy for several reasons, first and foremost being that we close on our new house in less than two weeks. I’ve been daydreaming about all the songs I’ll write in my beautiful new home office, a space dedicated solely to music and music therapy (which of course includes this blog). I know a change of scenery will jumpstart my creativity :) But there are more March highlights: a weekend trip to Chicago for Zach’s company banquet, a visit from my aunt, and the advent of Spring!

I was feeling happy last year when I wrote the “March” song, which I hope you like:

March is here, yes March is here,
The third month of the year.
Thirty one days march into spring,
And that is a wonderful thing.
Yes that is a wonderful thing.

St. Patrick’s Day will come around,
Find four-leaf clovers on the ground.
Leprechauns and rainbows too,
Clothes of green for me and you.


Get ready for the start of spring,
And all the fun that it will bring.
Soon enough we’ll have spring break,
Let’s celebrate, for goodness sake!


March is here, yes March is here,
The third month of the year.
Thirty one days march into spring,
And that is a wonderful thing.
Yes that is a wonderful thing.

Singing this tune puts me in a great mood, and I hope hearing it does the same for you. What are your plans for this month? Are you as excited for spring as I am? Enjoy your Sunday afternoon…and if you’re as lucky as I am, your day off tomorrow for Casmir Pulaski Day!