Spring is officially single digits away! SINGLE DIGITS! I am so ready to put winter behind me and welcome the spring weather, and that has been my inspiration for my music therapy sessions and classes this week!
Some of the goals addressed in these songs:
- Improve gross motor skills
- Increase verbalization
- Improve creative thinking
- Increase knowledge related to March/spring season
- Improve object identification
“Wave Goodbye to Winter” is a peppy movement song that provides the perfect opportunity to explain to participants that the season is changing AND motivates them to get their bodies moving.
This seasonal movement song can be done seated or standing, which I absolutely love. For some children, a standing movement song can sometimes be a little too much to handle, but I’ve found that by doing a movement song while seated helps children maintain safe and appropriate body movements.
“Wave Goodbye to Winter” has a chorus that will really encourage clients and students to sing along. Words such as “sing”, “wave”, or “hello” are ideal for children to sing or echo along to the song while also following simple directives.
“Marching Into Spring” is another seasonally appropriate movement song I’m using right now. Marching is such a great gross motor movement for children to practice, and can be lots of fun — especially when all of the kiddos start marching around the room or take turns being the leader.
This song features lyrics that detail a few things that happen when spring begins. I take this time to teach my clients and students some simple sign language for the keywords of each line. This targets fine motor skills, and if I’m playing guitar, it requires the participants to recall the signs for each verse.
Alternatively, other gross or fine motor movements can be substituted for sign language, such as mimicking a flower growing, or pretending to pedal a bike. There are so many opportunities for accompanying movements built into the lyrics; I encourage clients and students to brainstorm actions to go with the words.
These two movement songs are a great way to begin the spring season, get some energy out, and help participants anticipate what will happen as the season changes.
I’d love to hear from you: How has this seasonal transition inspired your music therapy sessions or classes?
You can listen to all of this song in its entirety right here. Lyrics, chords, mp3, and instrumental track for this original song are available for download. As is the case for all Listen & Learn Music creations, we invite you to adapt this song as needed to best serve your students and/or clients.