I’ve spent the last 12 months doing my best to practice the three words my business partner Katey and I chose for 2016 — simplify, streamline, self-care. This past year has been all about eliminating the non-essentials, putting things on the back burner, and focusing on what matters most.
With that in mind, I didn’t set any hard and fast goals or choose any big projects to work on as I have in years past. I gave myself grace and permission to say no without guilt. It felt GOOD to care for myself, and I will definitely carry those words with me into the new year.
But for 2017, I’m ready for a word that is a bit more action-oriented. I feel like I’ve held back a lot this year — mostly to avoid feeling overwhelmed and for fear of over-committing — so I want to give more of myself in an intentional way. And that’s why I chose the word SHARE.
There are a million different ways to interpret and implement this word, but here are a few of the things I have in mind for the coming year.
- SHARE my songs and music-related ideas more consistently
- SHARE my thoughts and opinions via the blog on a regular basis
- SHARE more meaningful experiences with family and friends
- SHARE with those in need through service and donations
There are so many people in my life who give of themselves very generously, and they inspire me to do the same. My overarching goal is to be more selfless in 2017 while still making sure to take care of myself.
I may come up with some concrete goals between now and January 1, but I felt the urge to SHARE my word with you and put these intentions out into the world.
Thank you for sharing! ;) ((did you see what I did there???))
Haha! So punny! ;) My pleasure…thank YOU for reading. Hope your holidays have been amazing!