This week, I reached out to my readers via Facebook and Twitter, looking for “Sunday Singalong” song suggestions.  I received quite a few great requests, including “Shaky Fruit”, “The 3 R’s”, and “Maraca Rock”, but the one I chose was just too fitting to pass up.

“April Showers” has been around for a long time – since 1921, in fact.  It was originally recorded by Al Jolson, though Judy Garland, Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, and many other singers have versions as well.  This song is used more often with senior citizens than it is with young children, but I like it so much that it just may have found a permanent spot in my repertoire.

Not only one, but TWO fellow music therapists requested “April Showers” this week.  Kristin Bozard and Janice Harris will receive a free album download of their choice, and YOU can too!  All you have to do is suggest a song (via email or blog comment) for next week’s “Sunday Singalong” video.

One more thing, and this is pretty exciting.  Yesterday I wrote my 400th blog post!  I’ve only been writing this blog for a little over 1.5 years, so I’m pretty amazed at hitting such a high number already.  Thanks so much for being a Listen & Learn reader, and here’s to 400 more posts!