Love, Love, Love (My Family)

Love, Love, Love (My Family)

Choosing this week’s song topic was sort of a no-brainer, thanks to a certain holiday coming up tomorrow. I’ve written plenty of songs about love, including The Feelings in My Heart (follow the link to get a free visual aide download) and You Are Loved.

But this time I wanted to focus on a very specific kind of love: the kind you feel for your family.

I love the way this song turned out…so much so that I couldn’t wait until today to share it with at least a few people. Any guesses as to which people I sent it to? My FAMILY, of course!

I know there have been many songs written about family love, but there’s always room for one more when it comes to such a wonderful topic. What are your favorite songs about L-O-V-E, either the family kind or just in general?

You Are Loved

Valentine's Day Song

Happy Valentine’s Day! I know that lots of people regard this as a “Hallmark holiday” and I do, too…for the most part. But there’s nothing wrong with having an excuse to show the people in your life — not just a significant other — just how much you care about them.

One of my favorite ways to do that is to write songs. I’m constantly writing them for my students, but I’ve also written many for my friends and family. There was the Valentine’s Day song for my husband, the 50th birthday song for my mom, and the 80th birthday song for my grandma, among many others.

But the one I want to share today was written for my two good friends as a wedding gift last year. I was listening to it over the weekend and realized that it could apply to anyone…even YOU. Because it’s true :)

Look around,
Take in the sound,
You are loved, loved, loved.

Breathe in it,
Feel it on your skin,
You are loved, loved, loved.

Not only for today,
But happily ever after.
Let it guide you along your way,
Through the tears and through the laughter.

Know this one thing is true,
In all you do,
You are loved.

When this moment’s gone,
And time ticks on,
You are loved, loved, loved.

Near or far,
No matter where you are,
You are loved, loved, loved.


Love will keep you warm,
Be your shelter from every storm,
Lighting your path,
Wherever it leads,
Whatever your journey.


You are loved, loved, loved.
You are loved, loved, loved.

Again, I’ll say it: Valentine’s Day isn’t just for lovebirds. I hope my song has inspired you to remind the people in your life that they are loved today and always!

Free “Feelings” Visual Aide Download

Girl Showing Love

I love to sing The Feelings in My Heart around this time of year, what with so much talk about Valentine’s Day, hearts, and love.  This is one of my favorite Listen & Learn songs — it’s even featured on my studio album.

And that leads me to the highlight of this post: a visual aide download to go along with the song. I like to give my students an example of each emotion as it is mentioned in the song, and while in the past I’ve used illustrations, this year I wanted to use stock pictures of real children to which they could better relate.

Visual Aide Download: The Feelings in My Heart

As described in the PDF download above, I laminated the pictures, cut them out, and single-hole punched them so that I could keep them together with a binder ring. They were a hit when I used them for the first time yesterday afternoon with a group of young music therapy students. We used sign language for each emotion as we looked at the pictures during the song — talk about a multi-sensory experience!

Here’s the full song and lyrics, as well as the instrumental version.  I hope you can make use of this visual aide (and if so, please let me know in the comments how you plan to do so).

Stop, Think and Do

The teachers at my school often ask me to write very specific songs to enhance their classroom lessons.  After all, my job as a music therapist is to support each classroom’s progress toward established goals and objectives.  Last month I was asked to write a song featuring the phrase “stop, think and do”.  This is a motto in our classroom for students with behavioral issues; they are encouraged to go through this process in any situation which could possibly result in making a bad decision.

I wanted this song to be an interactive experience for the students; not only does it remind them to follow those three steps, but I also provide opportunities to share situations in which the process was successful for them.  I’ll explain further after you have a chance to listen and read the lyrics:

Well there are three little words I wanna say to you:
Stop, think and do.
Before you take action, every time, it’s true,
Stop, think and do.
Stop moving and pause, and think it through,
And then you can do (doot-do-doot-do).

When you’re angry, you need to make a good choice.
Stop, think and do.
When you’re angry, you need to use your voice.
Stop, think and do.


When you’re upset, you need to make a good choice.
Stop, think and do.
When you’re upset, you need to use your voice.
Stop, think and do.


When you’re hurting, you need to make a good choice.
Stop, think and do.
When you’re hurting, you need to use your voice.
Stop, think and do.


Situations in which a student is feeling angry, upset, or hurt are the most important times to “stop, think and do”.  After each verse, I invite the class to share a time when they felt that particular emotion, followed he steps, and made a good decision.  This is a group of students that love to talk, so I give them plenty of time to do so in a structured manner.  (We begin each music therapy session with “Share Something Positive” and wrap it up with “Compliments” just before the goodbye song.)

I think turning these types of phrases into songs increases their effectiveness, especially if children listen to and sing them on a regular basis.  Do you have any phrases similar to “stop, think, and do” that are frequently used in your classroom, therapy sessions, or your own home?  It just might be my next song topic – so please share!

Happy Face, Happy Voice

Whining. We all do it from time to time, whether you’re a child, mature adult, or my dog at 4 in the morning.  For kids, whining comes naturally in unfavorable situations, or even just when they’re tired and cranky.  How many times have the words “stop whining!” come out of your mouth?  Probably quite a few if you’re a parent, teacher, or anyone else who spends time with children on a regular basis.

But that phrase may fall upon deaf ears after awhile, so how about a new way to help nip this bad habit in the bud?  That was the strategy for one of my consult clients, who requested a custom-written song about using a “happy face and happy voice” instead of whining.

When you are unhappy and feeling blue,
There are just a few things that you need to do.
Just listen up, and you’ll be fine,
As long as you don’t whine.

First you need to find your happy face,
Then you need to find your happy voice.
When you talk without a whine,
And smile, you shine.
You’re making the right choice!

Simple and to the point. It’s amazing how such basic songs can be so effective, as long as the message is clear. What other bad habits might be addressed through a song like this?