If You’re Wearing a Red Shirt…

If You're Wearing a Red Shirt

One thing I’ve noticed when I give a child a pair of rhythm sticks is that it’s extremely difficult for him or her not to make some kind of noise with them. So I made a game out of it.

“If You’re Wearing a Red Shirt” is a simple, repetitive song that directs children in a group to play their rhythm sticks only if they fit the description in that particular verse. It goes like this:

If you’re sitting down,
Tap your sticks just like this.
Tap-tap-tap-tap, tap-tap-tap,

If you’re a girl,
Tap your sticks just like this.
Tap-tap-tap-tap, tap-tap-tap,

If you’re a boy,
Tap your sticks just like this.
Tap-tap-tap-tap, tap-tap-tap,

If you’re wearing a red shirt,
Tap your sticks just like this.
Tap-tap-tap-tap, tap-tap-tap,

{Continue, using different descriptives}

The kids with whom I’ve used this activity get a kick out of the descriptions I choose for each verse — they are usually much more specific and creative than the very basic ones I included in the recording. Sometimes only one child will fit a description, and other times just for fun I’ll choose a description that nobody fits.

The best part is that everyone actually listens carefully and plays their rhythm sticks only when they should be playing. After all, that’s the goal!

The Best of Sunday Singalong

Best of Sunday Singalong

Now that I’ve made somewhere around 60 Sunday Singalong videos, I figured it’s about time to make a list of my favorites — the “best of” if you will.

The very first Sunday Singalong video I ever posted was way back in January of 2010. I recorded it with my old Macbook’s built-in camera, so there is an obvious difference in quality as the weeks go by. I graduated to a Flip Ultra HD camcorder, but will soon try out my new camera (that was the plan for this week, but life got in the way!) which doubles as an HD camcorder.

Anyway, here is the list of my 10 favorites, from earliest to most recent:

  1. That Yellow Bus
  2. Good Green Earth
  3. You Belong With Me
  4. You Are My Sunshine – My Way!
  5. Turkey Dinner Dance
  6. Superbowl LXV Edition
  7. The Rhythm of Love
  8. Wave Goodbye to Winter
  9. Eat Like a Rainbow
  10. Play the Cabasa!

Maybe you’ve been a Listen & Learn reader for a while and have your own faves, so if that’s the case, please add them to the list by commenting below. Now here’s to another 60 Sunday Singalong videos — starting next week!

Friday Fave: New Camera!

Sony Cyber-shot

Last night, my husband showed up at my gig and started taking pictures with a camera I didn’t recognize. Little did I know that it was my new camera!

I am by no means a photographer, but I do like to take pictures around my studio, on vacation, and just for fun. My old Canon is a little beat up after three years of use, and recently the flash has started smoking. That’s probably not a good thing! So I was thrilled when Zach dropped the news about the amazing deal he got on this Sony Cyber-Shot.

Not only is the camera packed with great features (like 16x zoom and 3D capability) but it’s also an HD video recorder! That’s the part I’m most excited about. I’ve been lugging around both my Canon and Flip HD camcorder for over a year, but now I can just grab the Sony camera and go.

I’m going to spend some time this weekend playing with my new toy, and I think I’ll use it to record my “Sunday Singalong” video as well. Speaking of that, I better get back to work…

“Time to Sing Hello” Hits One Year Mark

Time to Sing Hello Release Party

I’ll admit it: I’ve lost track of time amidst this whirlwind of a summer. Back in July, the one year mark since releasing my first studio album, Time to Sing Hello, came and went without notice.

I think back to all the sweat and tears I poured into that CD, from raising the money to make it through Kickstarter, to the week I spent recording in St. Louis, to the performance and celebration I threw to celebrate its release. Every last ounce of effort was worth it, because I learned so much through the process and have an amazing finished product to show for my hard work.

Time to Sing Hello

Between selling the album (either as a download or physical copy) through my website and at Songs For Teaching, it does pretty well for something I don’t spend much time at all promoting! The important thing is that the CD made it into the hands for which it was meant — families of children diagnosed with autism.

I’ve had people ask me if I have plans to record another children’s CD. The answer is that I would LOVE to…as soon as I have the time to do so :) And I think it will be much easier the next time around, having been through the process once already. I’ll keep you posted!

A New Continuing Education Opportunity

Online Zen CMTE

Kat Fulton is at it again, you guys. First came her boomwhacker videos, followed by her Drumify DVD; now she’s counting down until the launch of her newest awesome resource for music therapists: Online Zen.

She hasn’t released all the details just yet, so I’ll point you towards how you can learn more. Head on over here to watch a video from Kat and sign up to receive a free video entitled Making An Unforgettable Impression Online.