30 Music Therapy Songs for Early Childhood

30 Music Therapy Songs for Early Childhood | Listen & Learn Music

I still remember my first early childhood music therapy experience like it was yesterday, even though it was well over a decade ago during graduate school. My practicum client was a 2-year-old girl diagnosed with sensory processing disorder, and it was during our first session together that I knew I would end up working with children.


My Favorite Bean Bags

As I’m sure you’ve noticed, MANY of my songs revolve around the use of props. They can be such a wonderful tool for addressing motor skills, coordination, group participation, turn-taking, and much more.

This month in my groups and sessions, we’re getting a lot of use out of one such prop: bean bags! A quick Google or Amazon search will show that there are many bean collections from which to choose, but my absolute favorites come from Bear Paw Creek.


Shamrockin’ and Rollin’ Toward Goals

St. Patrick's Day Song for Children | Listen & Learn Music

I don’t know if it’s all the green or the Irish music, but St. Patrick’s Day is such a fun holiday to celebrate!

In the spring, when holidays are a little more spread out, I take any opportunity I can to add some variety to my repertoire as I continue to target my students’ and clients’ goals in an appropriate way.
