A new decade is here, and with that, new exciting challenges and opportunities are upon us. Last year, I resolved to learn or write a new song every week. I’m not sure I quite accomplished my goal, but I learned so many songs and wrote quite a handful too!
In 2019, I finished my master’s degree, started a new job, began working with older adults, and began teaching at the collegiate level. Who knows what will happen in 2020, but my professional goal is clear: I want to remain focused on my students’ and clients’ goals.
Now, I know what you’re thinking: “well, of course!”. But we all have moments where we use interventions that only loosely touch upon those goals, and that is what I want to eliminate this year!
I think it’s easy for many professionals to sometimes slip into routines, and I know I fall into that trap, too. So I want to break out of my routines, really examine the goal areas I’ve set out to accomplish, and make sure they’re aligning with my interventions.
If you’re like me and use a LOT of Listen & Learn Music resources, then I’ve got great news for you! When you become a Listen & Learn Music Plus member, you have access to resources that detail the goals and objectives targeted in each and every song. Yep, you read that right…the work is already done for you!
The L&L Song Directory
Over the past year and a half, the L&L team has been hard at work cataloging every song in the entire collection. Right now, there are about 300 (!!) songs in the directory, which includes a list of the primary and secondary goal domains they target, instruments, props or other materials needed, and links to the facilitation guides, lead sheets, recordings, and instrumental tracks.
The directory makes it easy to scroll through the massive L&L catalog to find just the song you need to target the goals and objectives you are working on. Plus, I’ve found that some of the songs target goals I never would have thought of, which expands my own thinking about songs I already use, or encourages me to try something new in my clinical work.
Facilitation Guides
Now that you’ve found a song that fits your students’ and clients’ needs, click on the link for the facilitation guide, and you will find a handy document that lists ALL the goals and objectives targeted, step-by-step directions for facilitating the song, and adaptations you can implement.
I’ve always thought of the facilitation guides as a jumping off point for all of us super creative musicians. Once you recognize the potential for a song, your own ideas might just start rolling and you will find even more ways to use a song or adapt if for your own needs.
This has honestly been the best perk of being a L&L Plus member for the past 3 ½ years. Being a member has expanded the way I think about my work with children, because I am more creative than ever before. I see the possibilities of each song, and how I can adapt it for my clients and students. All of this came from expanding my repertoire, and in turn, expanding my clinical work.
With the L&L resources in hand and a creative mind, I am confident I will stay laser-focused on my clients’ and students’ goals in 2020.
Tell me in the comments: what is one of your professional goals for 2020?
You can learn more about the Listen & Learn Plus membership right here. Make sure to join the waiting list to receive free resources along with the opportunity to join when enrollment opens again later this winter.