I’ve been on maternity leave for almost a month now, and it’s been pretty great. All the newborn snuggles, quality time with my two-year-old, and if I’m being completely honest, Netflix binges (OITNB, anyone?) have been a nice change of pace.
But just as I predicted earlier this spring, I’m getting a tiny bit antsy. I need just a little something to fill my professional cup, and I’ll have that opportunity in a couple of weeks when I head back to work to teach the summer session of our early childhood music classes.
It’s just one morning and one evening per week for the five-week session, the perfect amount to help ease back in after wearing my “mom” hat exclusively since Mia was born. That way, returning to my regular schedule at the end of August won’t be such a shock to my system.
Although it will be hard to leave the baby at home for those few hours (considering we haven’t been apart since she was born), I’m excited to pick up my guitar again and see all my little students. No doubt I’ll be itching to get right back to Mia as soon as class is over.
Nursing around the clock has given me plenty of time to read all those blogs and articles about motherhood posted on Facebook, so I’m constantly being reminded how quickly this time goes and that I should be enjoying every fleeting moment. I’m doing just that, and at the same time looking forward to taking a little dip back in the proverbial water.