I’m a worrier by nature; always have been, always will be. So when I sang along to Bobby McFerrin’s original version of this song growing up, I’m pretty sure I was trying to convince myself to heed his advice.
I love everything about this song: the lyrics, the laid-back stye, the harmonies, and especially the way it makes me feel when I listen and sing along. Turns out it’s a crowd pleaser in just about every setting I’ve used it, including my early childhood classes, performances, and music therapy sessions.
Although I kept the melody the same, I did change up the words in the second verse to be more kid-friendly. Otherwise, it’s pretty true to Mr. McFerrin.
When I use this within a class or session, I tend to reach for the ukulele since it fits the chill vibe of the song so well. It’s a great way to cool down and end on a happy note.
Members of Listen & Learn Plus! have access to all of these songs (along with tons more) right inside the Dropbox folder I share with them — come over and join us!