Growing up, I despised breakfast. I didn’t like eating in the morning, and I could hardly stand most breakfast foods. It wasn’t until high school that I willingly ate breakfast, which usually consisted of a granola bar and Capri Sun during my first-hour latin class. Now I’ll eat just about any breakfast food (though I am very particular about my eggs), and it is a required meal if I want to have a productive morning.

I know I wasn’t the only kid in the world who wasn’t a breakfast eater. You probably know a few, yourself…or maybe a kid who doesn’t like to eat lunch or dinner. Children can be very picky when it comes to mealtime, which is what today’s song is all about.

Eat you breakfast lunch and dinner.
And you’re sure to be a winner.
These three meals keep your body strong,
Morning, noon, and night – the whole day long.

Breakfast comes first, it’s how we start the day.
Have it before school or goin’ outside to play.
Eggs and bacon, pancakes too,
Orange juice and milk are good for you.
Breakfast is the first meal of the day.

Lunch comes next, it gives us energy.
For learning, or running, or climbing up a tree.
A sandwich, crackers with some cheese.
And a juice box if you please,
Lunch is the second meal of the day.

Dinner is last, it’s what we eat at night.
When our day is through, let’s have a bite
Of chicken and a vegetable,
Dessert if you are not too full,
Dinner is the third meal of the day.

Eat you breakfast lunch and dinner.
And you’re sure to be a winner.
These three meals keep your body strong,
Morning, noon, and night – the whole day long.

You can always replace the foods I included with whatever your child likes to eat – it’s okay if it doesn’t rhyme! Speaking of breakfast, lunch and dinner, I need to plan my grocery list for the rest of the week. Have a great Tuesday!