When I was in elementary school, I only got in trouble for one reason: reading Babysitter’s Club books during class. Not much changed throughout the years; I always had books in my desk, locker, and bookbag, because I loved to read and couldn’t get enough. It frustrated my parents to no end, because they would buy be a new book and I would finish it that very same day.
I still love to read, but these days, I just don’t have the time. How sad is it that I’ve had the same two books laying on the nightstand for two months now? But late last fall, my friend Kimberly S. Moore (a.k.a. Music Therapy Maven) introduced me to a whole new way of “reading” books. Audible is a website that sells audiobook downloads (either a la carte or through a membership) and I am hooked!
As an AudibleListener Gold member, I receive a monthly credit which allows me to download almost any audiobook I want. Not only is the price completely reasonable ($7.49/month for the first 3 months, and then $14.95/month thereafter) but the selection is amazing. I have a huge wish list of audiobooks I plan to download in the coming months.
The #1 reason I love audiobooks is the convenience factor. I listen to them on my iPhone, which I have with me all the time. A few of my favorite times/places to listen: the gym, getting ready in the morning, in the car, while I’m cleaning or cooking, and the list goes on. I recently finished the book Getting Things Done by David Allen (which I’d recommend to anyone), and right now I’m in the middle of Excuses Begone!
by Wayne Dyer.
I’d be curious to hear if anyone else has discovered the beauty of audiobooks, or if you stay true to traditional printed books. Any Kindle readers here? I’d love to try that out, although I’m not sure how much I’d love having one more thing to carry around with me.
Well that does it for this week’s edition of Friday Faves! Thinking ahead: let me know if there’s a song you’d like to see/hear featured in my Sunday Singalong video…it could be one of my own or a cover (think Jack Johnson, Justin Roberts, Laurie Berkner, Jim Gill, etc.). It’s a happy, sunny day here, and I hope the same is true for you! See you again soon.
I use projectgutenberg.org to download free human-read audio books. There is no copyright infringement because they only use books in the public domain. So, while you can't listen to the latest and greatest books, you can listen to all the classics.