The Music Therapy Round Table is a monthly podcast series hosted by myself, Kimberly S. Moore, and Michelle Erfurt. In case you haven’t already read the back-story, here’s a recap: Michelle and I met back in 2008 after she visited my blog. Kimberly and I met in mid-2009 through Twitter. The three of us came together for the first time at the AMTA national conference in San Diego last year, and decided to collaborate on a new podcast centered around music therapy. We recorded our first episode via Skype back in February, and now here we are, three months (and three episodes) later.
In Episode 4, we discuss a topic every single therapist will have to deal with: change. Whether moving to a new studio, moving out-of-town, or going on maternity leave, what’s the most appropriate way to handle these major life transitions with your clients? Listen in as we share stories of how we handled change and discuss things that helped us and our clients. You can either listen directly on our blog, or find us on iTunes and download the episodes to your iPod or iPhone.
We make this announcement in the episode, but I also thought I’d share with you here that at this year’s AMTA national conference, the three of us will be presenting a 5-hour CMTE (that stands for “continuing music therapy education” for you non-MTs) course on the topic of using the internet and social media for business and advocacy. We’re super excited about this opportunity – it’s a big one!
So if you haven’t already, check out our podcast. Oh, and while we’re on the subject of podcasts, I should mention two others that I’d recommend. Janice Harris’ Music Therapy Show and Wade Richards’ Time for Music Podcast are excellent, so check them out as well!