Listen & Learn provides unique, fun, and goal-oriented music that can be used in so many different settings! At Music Therapy Connections in Springfield, we offer Listen & Learn classes that specifically utilizes this material.
I have had the privilege of teaching some of these classes each week. I primarily teach Listen & Learn for Little Ones, which is for children ages 0-3 and their caregivers. I also teach Listen & Learn a Little More, which is for children ages 3-5. Our classes typically run in four-week sessions. Each week during this period makes use of the same material because repetition is so valuable!
It is wonderful to work with these kiddos each week and see how the music impacts them. The Listen & Learn material often supports what they are learning at school or home, including academic skills (identifying colors, counting) and social skills (identifying seasons and holidays, greeting friends, waiting our turn). It is amazing how quickly some of our students pick up on these skills in music class.
I’ve had multiple caregivers tell me that their children have been singing the songs at home! What a wonderful example of taking what you learn and applying it outside of the classroom.
This material doesn’t just impact the students! I have many caregivers in my Little Ones classes that know the words to each song and sing along with their child throughout the class. This helps create and maintain the unique bond that the caregiver has with the child!
One of our four-week sessions just ended last week. I would love to share with you one of my favorite songs from the curriculum!
“Colors of Thanksgiving” provides the opportunity to work on so many goals such as identifying colors, object identification, increasing sustained attention, and following directions. I used it during this past Listen & Learn session, but I also use it in the school setting as it is very appropriate for all of my school-aged clients!
There is so much that you can do with this song. I like to pair it with visuals that display the color and the corresponding Thanksgiving food. I try to include visuals whenever possible, as it gives the children more context and something to visually attend to.
For a little extra flair, try adding scarves that match the colors of the song! I found this to be extra helpful in keeping my students engaged. Something tactile that they can move with is often a great option.
I love this song as it gives you so many options and it is perfect for this time of year!
What other songs are you using during this Thanksgiving season?
Thanks for reading!
Emma Kovachevich
What a cute song! I’m pretty jam-packed getting ready for the Christmas concert, but I will send this to my Kindergarten and First-grade teachers. They may get some good use out of this.
Great post with so much information, I am researching for a uni essay and this has been most helpful,