If you’re anything like my business partner Katey and myself, this month has been all about establishing goals, setting intentions, and making plans for 2017. Every year, we create a mantra — words to live by and guide our actions both personally and professionally. This year’s mantra is as follows:
Waste less. Share more. Live our why.
We come back to these words every time we have a decision to make, pursue a new project, or feel like we might be veering off course. It’s so important to know our “why” so that we make sure everything we do is in alignment with our values and ideals.
Let’s face it, you can’t be successful in life OR business if the actions you are taking are NOT in alignment with your ideal vision. And that’s where our new course, Setting Yourself Up for Success, comes in.
We want to help music therapy business owners hone in on their values and ideals especially when it comes to marketing, scaling their business, and creating a healthy balance between personal and professional life.
These aren’t easy things to do, which is why we’re asking you to answer hard questions. We’re sharing our own answers, along with the mistakes we’ve made and successes we’ve celebrated along the way.
Not only is this course pre-approved for 3 CMTE credits, but it will help you to move the needle forward in your business where you might be feeling stuck right now. We will be alongside you in the private Facebook group as you complete the materials, and look forward to providing further insight and guidance.
Join us in making 2017 your most successful year ever. We can’t wait to continue this journey with you!