Ahhh, summer! These three months are by far my favorite of the entire year, and I start counting down the days around, oh, February. I have so many wonderful summer memories: long, lazy days at the neighborhood pool with my friends, vacations with family, my beautiful August wedding last year…just to name a few. I’ve already begun making memories for Summer 2009, even though technically, it began just yesterday!
The song I wrote for this season is happy and chill, perfectly reflecting my feelings about summer. I hope you like it! Take a listen:
Do you know the warmest season of all?
It’s not winter, spring, or fall.
It comes in June and sticks around
Until September leaves are down on the ground.
It’s summer, it’s summer,
When the sun’s hot rays brighten all of our days.
It’s summer, it’s summer,
So jump in the pool to keep yourself cool,
While you sing this summertime tune.
June, July and August days are so long,
The sprinklers are going strong.
The grass needs water and so do we
So we’re healthy and we have energy.
Playing outside can be so much fun,
Unless you get burnt by the sun.
So wear your sunscreen, protect your skin,
‘Cause if you don’t, you’ll have to stay in.
I had to include the bit about sunscreen, especially after resisting it for so many years of my childhood. Now more than ever, it’s so important for children to be protected in the sun…but I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that! But back to the topic of music. I have an entire playlist on my iPod dedicated to the hottest days of the year. What are your favorite summertime tunes? Please do share!