In today’s video, I’m singing “Making Friends” – a song I recently wrote for a class at The Hope Institute. It was featured throughout the month of January in my music therapy sessions, and I already miss singing it now that February is here (along with all-new tunes).

This has been the weekend of all-new tunes, in fact. I spent most of yesterday writing and recording, as I finished up a custom CD for a consult client.  Since I began offering consultative services in January, I’ve had no shortage of new songs in the vault to share here at Listen & Learn.  I love it!  I’ve been so inspired by the new topics presented based on the goals and objectives of my clients.  Make sure to come back tomorrow for one of those new songs!

How was your weekend?  Aside from my intensive writing/recording session yesterday, mine has been pretty relaxing.  My husband and I finally saw Avatar (in 3-D no less!) and last night, we had the opportunity to attend a viewing of the new HBO film, Temple Grandin.  I’ll be sharing more about that in the coming week, so stay tuned…