{23 Days of Gratitude} Day 13 – Monday Mornings

23 Days of Gratitude | Day 13 - Monday Mornings

It’s my reset button, a fresh start. Monday morning is an opportunity to begin again, after what has most likely been an exhausting weekend. Once the kids are out the door, their messes have been picked up, and I have my coffee in hand, I’m ready to start my week.

I have always purposely designed by schedule so that Mondays are low-key. I don’t teach any classes, and starting this year, I don’t see any students or clients, either. I try to keep my schedule open so that I can devote the day to creative tasks, especially in the morning.


{23 Days of Gratitude} Day 12 – My Office

23 Days of Gratitude | Day 12 - My Office

It’s a Sunday morning, and I’m listening to my children and husband playing below me in the playroom as I happily type away in my upstairs office. We take turns carving out small chunks of time to get things done on the weekends, while the other hangs out with the kids.

I love that I have a place in my home just for my work. That has been a priority in all three of the homes we’ve owned, since I do so much of my job at home.


{23 Days of Gratitude} Day 8 – Green Juice

23 Days of Gratitude | Day 8 - Green Juice

I asked for a juicer the Christmas after my son was born. I had started working out again, and wanted to be healthier in general. I figured that juicing would be an easy way to add more vegetables to my diet.

That juicer got a LOT of use for about a year…until I was well into my second pregnancy and getting ready to move into a new house. I kind of forgot about it until this past summer, when I finally pulled it out of the cabinet and used it for the first time in forever.
