“How Do You Like It?”

Moving into a new studio

The weekend before my first day at the new studio, my mom gave me a happy sunflower arrangement and a card wishing me good luck. They’ve both been sitting on my desk since then — a nice reminder of how supported I am by not just my mom, but everyone in my life.

Since that first day of work, I’ve gotten phone calls, texts and emails from people asking how I like working in my new space. Just about every single parent, and even many of my students, have asked when I’ve seen them for lessons or music therapy.

Here’s the honest truth: I love it.

Like, more than I ever thought I would. After working from home all these years, it’s a huge change, made even more significant because I’m leaving Parker (whereas before, he was just a few rooms away). But there is such a thing as spending TOO MUCH time at home, even for this self-proclaimed homebody, and I had reached my limit by the end of the summer.

Now I look forward to getting in my car, making the five-minute drive to work (and more often than not, stopping for an iced coffee — an extra perk of having a “commute”) and then at the end of the day, coming home to my family. Even though I bring a lot of work home with me, the fact that I physically leave my work space helps me separate the two much more so than before.

I have to giggle, because a lot of people have been a little…sympathetic…when they ask how I like working away from home. I myself thought it would be a more difficult transition than it actually has been, so it feels good to be able to reassure them that I am extremely happy with the new arrangement.

I love having other people around, hearing all kinds of music being made, interacting with adults on a regular basis, and having  separate, dedicated spaces for lessons, music therapy and groups. Oh, and test driving that Taylor 414ce guitar from the showroom this week has been an added bonus of working inside of a music store ;)

But here’s the most important thing of all: my STUDENTS are happy in our new location. Change is harder for some of them than most people, but so far they’ve all handled it like champs. And their parents, too; I am extremely grateful to work with such wonderful families who have supported my many, many transitions since starting my business.

My hope is that a month and then a year from now, I can give you the same report. Thanks to all of you who have provided encouragement and lovely feedback throughout this adventure so far!

First Day of Work

Keys to New Studio

Today marks my 8th “first day of work” after summer break at Music Therapy Connections, but this year is different. I have a new office, studio, and coworker, so it almost feels like I’m starting a brand-new job. Luckily, I’ll be surrounded by the familiar faces of my clients and their families; a girl can only handle so much change at once.

It’s always an adjustment, going back to a regular jam-packed schedule after a low-key summer. Having only worked 4 days a week, and for only a few hours each day, returning to my full client load this week will be a bit of a challenge. But since I survived it last year — after taking maternity leave the entire summer — I am feeling pretty confident in my abilities :)

This fall I’ll have more help with Parker during the day, which will allow me to get more work done during daylight hours so that I can relax with my family at night and on weekends (the majority of which I spent burning the midnight oil last year). I know that the idea of w0rk-life balance is a bit of a myth, especially when you own a business, but my goal this year is to get just a little closer to achieving it.

My agenda for day 1 on the “new” job: hang out with Parker until 9 when his sitter arrives, meet Katey at the bank, head to the new office/studio to put the finishing touches on my room, go home for lunch with Parker, return to work, see students from 3-7 pm, and finally, hightail it back home. Tuesdays will get a little crazier once I add my early childhood class in two weeks, so I’m going to enjoy the extra little bit of downtime before then.

As apprehensive as I am about all the changes going into effect today, I’m pretty stoked. I feel so fortunate that I’ve been able to grow my little business into what it has become, and I have high hopes for another great year. Starting…now!

A Fresh Look for Fall

Music Therapy Connections, LLC

This is a season of change for my private practice. What started as a tiny little side hustle for me back in 2007 has blossomed into a full-time business for not one, but TWO music therapists. I couldn’t be happier to have Katey Kratz as a partner in what is now Music Therapy Connections, LLC.

Along with our new name, partnership, and location, it was only fitting to update our look as well. My father-in-law graciously offered his photography services, and our new photos make this whole venture feel officially official! Over the course of this month, I’ll be busy updating our business cards, brochures, and web presence, but the first stop was our Facebook page.

Music Therapy Connections, LLC

Now that we have new photos (because, you know…priorities), our focus is on the look of our new studios. The furniture and equipment have been purchased, moved in, and mostly assembled, so now it’s time to find a home for the rest of our supplies and put the finishing touches on our new space.

We have a lot of work to do before we welcome students on Tuesday (eeek!) but I’m optimistic that it will all get done.  I’m trying to resist the urge to post progress photos — we love how it’s shaping up so far! Stay tuned for a first look inside the Music Therapy Connections, LLC studios.

My Last Week Working From Home

Music Therapy Studio

This summer, I’ve had lots of people ask me what I do. When I explain that I’m a music therapist with my own private practice/teaching studio, they almost always comment how incredibly lucky I am to work from home.

Every time that happens, I think to myself, “Yes, I am incredibly lucky and it has been such a convenience to my life. So why the heck am I giving that up?”

My work arrangement has afforded me so many little luxuries — being able to pop over and visit my son if I happen to have a break, saving money on gas since I’ve had no commute, always having everything I need on hand. I can’t help but feel a little sad about dismantling the room that has been home to so, so many music therapy sessions and lessons over the years.

That is when I have to step back and remind myself of all the reasons why I made a conscious decision to move my work out of my home and into a space that allows the things the current arrangement doesn’t. A room just for groups and classes, multiple studios for multiple therapists working simultaneously, a place I can leave my work so that it is a little less tempting to spend every spare moment of my life working, the list goes on.

Music Therapy Studio

This week has truly been bittersweet. I’ve been waxing nostalgic about all the awesome musical moments that have happened within these walls, and almost all of my students or their parents have commented that they can’t believe it’s the last time they’ll be here.

But I know I made the right decision, because underneath that nostalgia and sadness, deep down in my gut, is excitement. I can’t wait to arrange and decorate my new studio, welcome my students in, and help them achieve all of their goals.

Music Therapy Studio

On Thursday evening, I’ll facilitate my very last music therapy session and then close up shop for the very last time here. My office will probably become a bedroom, and years from now, the fact that it used to be my workplace will seem hard to believe.

I’ll miss it here, but it’s time to flee the nest. I’m so ready for my next big adventure!

Music Therapy Connections is Moving!

Music Therapy Connections is Moving

Well, this is a bittersweet post if I’ve ever written one. After 5+ wonderful years providing music therapy services and lessons in my home studio, Music Therapy Connections is moving out. And while I’ll miss the non-existent commute and overall convenience of working at home, the pros of our new location far outweigh the cons.

I opened the doors of my home studio on June 15, 2009, after several years of traveling to my students’ homes. It was a dream come true to see everyone in one place, and not have to schlep my equipment all over town. Here’s a look back at my first year in the studio.

In the spring of 2011, my home studio went under a huge renovation in order to accommodate my decision to leave my job and pursue full-time private practice. The past 3 years in the updated studio have been amazing, but over time, my needs have changed.

In 2012, I welcomed fellow music therapist Katey Kratz to the Music Therapy Connections team, and she has been traveling to clients’ homes for music therapy and lessons ever since. In addition, I started offering early childhood classes last year, but have had to do those off-site because my studio is only big enough for individual and small group sessions.

This past winter, Katey and I began discussing the possibility of moving to a larger studio space outside of my home so that we could both work with students simultaneously as well as offer on-site groups and classes. We wanted a studio we could grow into, since our vision includes hiring another music therapist. We started scouting locations, but it wasn’t until after a visit to my favorite local music store that we found what we think is the perfect opportunity.

Music Therapy Connections in Springfield, Illinois

In just a few weeks, Capital City Music will be the new home of Music Therapy Connections. There we will have 3 dedicated studios, as well as use of a large room for groups and classes. We’ve been holding our early childhood music classes there this summer, and it has worked out beautifully.

Over the years, I have established a great relationship with the management and employees at Capital City Music (formerly Samuel Music), and they are excited to welcome us to their building. I’m thrilled at the prospect of working right next door to Katey every day, and she’s looking forward to seeing all of her clients in one place (I know the feeling, having been a traveling music therapist in the past!).

Capital City Music is just 5 minutes from my house, though I will actually have to get in the car to go to work starting in September :) It has been such a blessing, working from home for so long — especially this first year after having a baby — but I know this is a step in the right direction. We just shared the news with our families last week, and they have been nothing but supportive and enthusiastic about the new location.

As always, I’ll be sharing my adventures here on the blog, so get ready for lots of “new studio” updates. Oh, and if you’re a music therapist who wants to get in on the action, please consider applying for our open position. It’s an exciting time for music therapy in central Illinois!