Sunday Singalong: The Scarecrow Song

Singing this song always puts a smile on my face, because it reminds me of one of my former students at The Hope Institute who absolutely LOVED it. He got such a kick out of singing it and finding each body part as it was mentioned in the song!

It’s fun to pull out all my seasonal songs that I haven’t thought about for ages — it’s like rediscovering them all over again. Look for more to be featured in Sunday Singalong videos over the next couple of months!

Sunday Singalong: Fall Into Fall

Fall officially begins on Friday, and I’ll tell you what: I’m going into it kicking and screaming. But it’s going to keep getting darker earlier and chillier whether I like it or not, so I might as well just accept it.

I wrote “Fall Into Fall” almost three years ago, maybe I’ll come to terms with the arrival of fall by writing a new song about it. That would be a much more productive coping mechanism than complaining, huh!

Sunday Singalong: Remembering 9/11

On September 11, 2001, I was getting ready for my first class of the day when I heard the news on the Today Show, just as it was happening. I watched as the second plane hit the Word Trade Center, and then I went to class. The rest of that day is a blur; all I remember is sitting in the basement of the student center with what seemed like the entire student body, watching hours of news footage and feeling completely numb. I was a college freshman, one thousand miles from home.

You’ll probably read and hear dozens of stories like this today — I already have, just scrolling through my Facebook news feed. Ten years may have passed, but I think for all of us, the tragedy of 9/11 is still as fresh and raw as if it happened just yesterday.

Today is about remembering those who died, those who risked their lives to save others, and those who have fought to protect us. Today is about calling your parents, hugging your child, and being thankful for every single one of life’s blessings.

Never forget.

Sunday Singalong: The September Song

I recorded this video yesterday, when the temperature was in fact pushing 100 degrees. Today, however, feels much more like September.

This week’s forecast is full of days like today, and as nice as it is outside, I’m sad to see summer come to an end. One of my friends posted on Facebook the other day that his four favorite seasons are early summer, mid summer, late summer, and next summer. I can definitely relate!

But September has its perks, even if it means the end of my favorite season is drawing near. Like, for example, the return of the pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks (two more days!). And…well, I’ll think of some other perks and get back to you ;)

The Best of Sunday Singalong

Best of Sunday Singalong

Now that I’ve made somewhere around 60 Sunday Singalong videos, I figured it’s about time to make a list of my favorites — the “best of” if you will.

The very first Sunday Singalong video I ever posted was way back in January of 2010. I recorded it with my old Macbook’s built-in camera, so there is an obvious difference in quality as the weeks go by. I graduated to a Flip Ultra HD camcorder, but will soon try out my new camera (that was the plan for this week, but life got in the way!) which doubles as an HD camcorder.

Anyway, here is the list of my 10 favorites, from earliest to most recent:

  1. That Yellow Bus
  2. Good Green Earth
  3. You Belong With Me
  4. You Are My Sunshine – My Way!
  5. Turkey Dinner Dance
  6. Superbowl LXV Edition
  7. The Rhythm of Love
  8. Wave Goodbye to Winter
  9. Eat Like a Rainbow
  10. Play the Cabasa!

Maybe you’ve been a Listen & Learn reader for a while and have your own faves, so if that’s the case, please add them to the list by commenting below. Now here’s to another 60 Sunday Singalong videos — starting next week!