Sunday Singalong: Anyone Else But You

I have no idea how I did it, but three years ago I convinced my husband to record a duet for the souvenir CD we made for our wedding gifts.

We had seen the movie Juno the year before and both loved it, especially the sweet duet Michael Cera and Ellen Page sang at the end. Anyone Else But You is a song by the Moldy Peaches, and with just a little lyrical tweaking, it became the closer to our CD.

I think Zach regretted his decision to go through with it after receiving some flack from his buddies, but too late! It’s out there for the world to hear now.

Tomorrow we celebrate our 3rd anniversary, so I put together this video of some of my favorite wedding pictures using our duet as the soundtrack. It’s hard to believe that so much time has passed already…looking at these pictures, it seems like just yesterday (cliche, I know, but true).

Zach has a fun couple of days planned in Chicago, so we’re off! Enjoy your Sunday.

Sunday Singalong: Three is a Magic Number

I don’t know what it is about these Schoolhouse Rock songs, but they’ve just been invading my head lately! Two in one summer, sheesh. (Here’s the first video, from a few weeks back.)

But it’s true, what I said in the video — I’m reminded of this song each time a couple I know has their first child. One of my best friends is getting ready to welcome a baby girl, so she was the inspiration for my song choice this week :)

Sunday Singalong: The Crawdad Song

I have one of my former classrooms at The Hope Institute for introducing me to this song. They had heard it on a children’s CD and asked if I could sing it during music therapy, and I happily obliged.

I don’t really have a whole lot to say about this song — other than what I already said in the video! It’s just a fun tune that’s perfect for playing in the summertime, and the possibilities for new verses are endless.

Happy Sunday to you. Mine is off to a busy start, but I’m hoping for some downtime this afternoon so I can just hang out, learn some new songs, and maybe even write one to share with you later in the week.

Sunday Singalong: Angry Birds Theme

Angry Birds Theme Song by Pamplemoose

Recently my almost-three-year-old nephew and I were sitting together in the backseat of the car. I had my iPhone out, and he asked if we could play Angry Birds. So I opened the app and handed the phone over to him, at which point he asked me (ok, ordered me) to “turn on the music!”.

Then just last week, I was treated to stories of Angry Bird conquests by not one, but FOUR students during their lesson time. Angry Birds fever has taken over the world…and the Music Therapy Connections studio is no exception.

So when my friend showed me this video a few days ago, I knew I had to share it with you here at Listen & Learn. And since I didn’t already have a “Sunday Singalong” video of my own planned yet, today is the day:

I know, I know; there’s not a whole lot of “singing”, per se. But at least the “lyrics” are easy, right?! I am always so entertained by Pamplemoose’s videos, and musically, they’re always extremely cool.

So that’s my not-so-original edition of Sunday Singalong for you this week. If you really need a fix of the usual fare, you can find all 70 of my past videos here. Enjoy this beautiful Sunday, and see you back here tomorrow!

Sunday Singalong: Vocal Warm-Ups

After having taken over 10 years of voice lessons (including studying as a voice major in college) and teaching voice lessons myself for the past 8 years, I’ve learned a few vocal warm-ups in my time.

I could probably have gone on for another hour, but I decided to spare you of that and just throw out a few favorites ;)

As I mentioned in the video, I would love to hear from you — which vocal exercises do YOU use, whether for yourself or for your students? Please share them in the comments. My students thank you in advance for the fresh new ideas!