“Up and Down” is a song I wrote this summer and just happens to be included in the Listen & Learn Songbook. There are so many ways to describe this concept, that I actually had to cut a few verses from the original! But feel free to add as many of your own as you’d like :)
Balls can bounce
Up and down.
Towards the sky,
Then to the ground.
Balls can bounce
High and low,
Up above and down they go.
Frogs can leap
Up and down.
Into the air
Then to the ground.
Frogs can leap
High and low,
Up above and down they go.
Elevators move
Up and down.
To the top floor
And underground.
Elevators move
High and low,
Up above and down they go.
Birds can fly
Up and down.
Way beyond the trees
And to the ground.
Birds can fly
High and low,
Up above and down they go.
We can jump
Up and down.
Towards the sky,
Then to the ground.
We can jump
High and low,
Up above and down we go.
Speaking of up and down, I have certainly traveled my fair share in both directions over the last week! And it’s not over yet; tomorrow I’m heading south to watch my sister-in-law defend her doctoral thesis, which just happens to be on the topic of neuroscience. I’m already preparing to be blown away!
Wow, sounds so interesting. Your posts have always been my inspiration and a good resource in coming up with creative and innovative music teaching strategies . Thanks for this song that will surely energize and motivate our students. Your Listen & Learn Songbook and/or album is really a must-have not just for music educators, early childhood education teachers but also for mothers out there. Children will surely love the entire package – the music and all. I admire your passion for music and teaching as well as your efforts in sharing your thoughts, experiences and masterpieces to all of us. Keep up the good works and more power to you, my friend. Til your next posts and songs.