Sunday Singalong: Making Friends

In today’s video, I’m singing “Making Friends” – a song I recently wrote for a class at The Hope Institute. It was featured throughout the month of January in my music therapy sessions, and I already miss singing it now that February is here (along with all-new tunes).

This has been the weekend of all-new tunes, in fact. I spent most of yesterday writing and recording, as I finished up a custom CD for a consult client.  Since I began offering consultative services in January, I’ve had no shortage of new songs in the vault to share here at Listen & Learn.  I love it!  I’ve been so inspired by the new topics presented based on the goals and objectives of my clients.  Make sure to come back tomorrow for one of those new songs!

How was your weekend?  Aside from my intensive writing/recording session yesterday, mine has been pretty relaxing.  My husband and I finally saw Avatar (in 3-D no less!) and last night, we had the opportunity to attend a viewing of the new HBO film, Temple Grandin.  I’ll be sharing more about that in the coming week, so stay tuned…

The Feelings in My Heart

We talk a lot about love during February.  After all, it is the month in which we celebrate Valentine’s Day!  But what about all of those other feelings we experience on a daily basis? Recognizing, expressing, and regulating emotions are important skills for any child, including those with whom I work. I had this is mind when I wrote today’s song, “The Feelings in My Heart”. Take a listen:

Happiness, Excitement, Anger, Sadness, and Love,
My feelings are in my heart.
You can tell how I am feeling by my actions and words,
But in my heart is where they start.

I laugh and I smile when I’m happy,
Having fun with my friends for a while,
Happiness is a feeling I have in my heart,
It makes me laugh and smile.

I jump up and down when I’m excited,
When good things are coming around.
Excitement is a feeling I have in my heart,
It makes me jump up and down.


I yell and I pout when I’m angry,
When there’s something I’m mad about,
Anger is a feeling I have in my heart,
It makes me yell and pout.

I cry and I frown when I’m sad,
When I’m hurting or feeling down,
Sadness is a feeling I have in my heart,
It makes me cry and frown.


I hug joyfully when I feel love,
For my friend or my family,
Love is a feeling I have in my heart,
It makes me hug joyfully.

I used this song yesterday with a class of middle school students who have behavioral issues.  After each verse, we went around the room and gave examples of healthy ways to express that particular emotion.  Not only did I receive some very interesting responses, but I got a little more insight into my students and what they are all about.   I’m planning another activity related to this topic for next week.  I am going to create snippets of popular songs, which I’ll play for the class and ask them to identify whether each song reflects happiness, excitement, anger, sadness, or love.  I will provide the lyrics for analysis, and of course, some of the songs will fall into more than one category.  I’ve learned that anytime you can incorporate music that the students actually listen to outside of school (as long as it is school-appropriate), the opportunity should be seized!

Happy Groundhog Day!

If you’ve already had your fill of winter, then you’ll be disappointed to hear that Punxsutawney Phil did indeed see his shadow this morning.  I have most definitely had enough of this season, but I resigned myself long ago to the fact that the groundhog ALWAYS sees his shadow, and there will ALWAYS be six more weeks of winter.

Unfortunately, I don’t have a song about Groundhog Day…but I know someone who does!  Fellow music therapist Wade Richards of Time for Music has a wonderful podcast, and his latest episode features not only a rockin’ Groundhog Day song, but also a super-fun tune for Super Bowl Sunday.  Check it out!

Spring may be six weeks away, but now that it’s February, we are one step closer :)  What are your plans for this month?  I’m excited about the upcoming Illinois Federation of Music Clubs’ annual Festival, in which several of my piano students will be participating.  It will be both their first time and mine, so it should be a great learning experience for all of us.  Other than that, I have some fun projects to share with you in the next couple of weeks.  I know I have been hinting at them for a while now, so I promise to spill the beans soon.  In the meantime, here’s the song my students and I are singing all month long:

February is month number two,
The shortest of all the months, it’s true.
Usually twenty-eight days, but sometimes
At leap year, then there’ll be twenty-nine.

February second is Groundhog Day,
We’ll wait for the animal to come out and play.
Let’s hope his shadow he does not see,
It means spring will soon be here for you and me.


February fourteenth is Valentine’s Day,
We’ll give out cards and “I love you,” we’ll say.
Time for chocolate, and candy hearts too,
Pink and red flowers for me and you.


February also brings President’s Day,
Remembering those who paved the way
For the US to become so great,
And that is why we celebrate.


Sunday Singalong: The Leaves on the Trees

You can find the original post of this song, including lyrics, here.

Tonight’s edition of “Sunday Singalong” goes out to a very special fan of mine: hi, Matthew! Matthew’s mom emailed me last week and told me that although her son has many Listen & Learn favorites, he responds to this particular tune with excitement and anticipation as I speed up faster and faster. He’s not the only one; this is a favorite among my own students for the very same reason! Matthew will receive a free download of the Listen & Learn album of his choice, and you can have the same if I select your song suggestion to be featured in an upcoming “Sunday Singalong” video. It could be one of my own songs or a cover, so be creative.  Just leave a comment or email me with your suggestion.

How was your weekend?  Mine was full of music, so of course it was wonderful :)  I spent most of Saturday preparing some new songs and rehearsing for a show I played last night, which went very well.  I was extremely surprised (and thrilled!) by the turnout…not only was my regular cheering section in attendance, but some friends from out of town, church, work, and even a few parents of my students were there, too!  It was a blast.  The music-making continued today when my friend Cory came over to record with me (more on that soon).  A few hours of sleep, and I’ll be ready to take on a new week!