It seems impossible, but my girl turned 4 this week! We celebrated by playing hooky from preschool, baking a homemade cake (with pink frosting, of course), and having our family over for pizza and presents.
Since she was born, Mia Belle has been my “Velcro baby” — stuck to me 24/7. And although she’s still a mama’s girl through and through, at 4 she is finally open to letting go of me in favor of her daddy, who takes her to ballet class and “Chikolay” (Chik-Fil-A) every week.

She still retains her signature shyness, but opens up when she gets to know someone new and is a true ham around her friends and family. She recently asked me if she could become a singer like me when she grows up, which is obviously music to my ears!
She got a wireless microphone for her birthday, and has been singing into it nonstop ever since. Her current favorites are “Let It Go”, any song from “Moana”, and her Mia Belle originals (truly following in my footsteps, haha).

This weekend, Mia Belle is having her first-ever birthday party with friends and she is SUPER excited. We’re having a “unicorns, ballerinas, and princesses” themed tea party at a local cafe with 10 of her closest friends; if you want to witness what is sure to be an overload of cuteness, make sure you’re following me on Instagram.
Year 4 is going to be a big one for this girl. In August, she’ll start Pre-K at the same school where her brother will be in 1st grade (we can’t wait for them to be at the same place on the same schedule!), she’ll be moving up a level at her dance studio, and she’ll be playing soccer through the Y.

I’m so proud of this girl, and am endlessly entertained by her sweet, sassy, and silly personality. Happy Birthday, Mia Belle!