{23 Days of Gratitude} Day 19 – Coming Home

23 Days of Gratitude | Day 19 - Coming Home

Since my children were born, I’ve been away a handful of times. There have been a few conferences and work-related trips, as well as several girls’ weekends with my friends. That time away is so good for me, and I enjoy it to the fullest, but I always look forward to coming home to my family.


{23 Days of Gratitude} Day 16 – My Husband

23 Days of Gratitude | Day 16 - My Husband

For my husband Zach’s 30th birthday, I wrote a list of “30 things I love about you” and framed it. He did the same for me a few months later, and now both framed lists hang in our master bathroom. I like to reread them every once in a while, and each time I do, I’m reminded of how lucky I am to be married to him.


{23 Days of Gratitude} Day 7 – Mimi

23 Days of Gratitude | Day 7 - Mimi

I am infinitely grateful to my mom for all the things she has taught me and provided for me throughout my life, and could write an entire novel dedicated to her.

But in this crazy season of life, raising a toddler and a preschooler, I am especially grateful for everything she does for our family in her role of “Mimi”.


{23 Days of Gratitude} Day 4 – Target

23 Days of Gratitude | Day 4 - Target

Raise your hand if you’re with me on this one. How could I not be grateful for a place that sells pretty much everything I could ever need (including a full Starbucks menu), AND is an exciting outing for my children?

As grateful as I am for this one-stop shopping mecca, I’m equally reluctant to step foot inside each time…only because I know I’m about to buy way more than I actually need at the moment.


{23 Days of Gratitude} Day 2 – Dinnertime

23 Days of Gratitude | Day 2 - Dinnertime

Up until this summer, I wasn’t home at dinnertime to eat with my family most nights. Since I taught lessons, led music therapy sessions, and taught classes in the afternoons and evenings, I missed out on meals with my family during the week. Zach either made the kids dinner at home or took them to his parents’ house to eat, and by the time I got home, we had to start the bedtime routine.

The older my children got, the harder it was to miss out on dinner with them — especially after being apart all day long. That was a part of my decision to stop teaching lessons at the end of May, and I’ve since adjusted my schedule to make sure I’m home every night for dinner together.
