One thing I look forward to every summer is having the time to play a few gigs here and there. I very rarely get to do so during the school year (although I’m hoping that changes with my new schedule this year), so it’s been a special treat to perform around town pretty frequently these last few months.
Back in June, I played my first gig with Ryan, an extremely talented guitarist I met through his wife Misty. Not only have the two of us played gigs together, but he has also invited me to sing with his band a couple of times this month. If you’ve never sung with a live band, you don’t know what you’re missing!
We’ve talked on past episodes of the Music Therapy Round Table podcast how important it is for music therapists to nurture the musician in themselves, since after all, we were musicians first.
I know that with each gig I play, I fall a little bit more in love with music and am even more inspired as a therapist and educator. It sounds cheesy, but it’s completely true.
What have you done this summer to nurture your inner musician?
I spy an iPad. Set list, lyrics, or streaming your favorite TV show? =)
Ha! That 3rd option might come in handy when Ryan goes into one of his extended guitar solos ;) For now, just set list and lyrics.