Music Therapy Studio

Four months ago, I sat down to dinner with my husband at our favorite Thai restaurant and proposed that we renovate two rooms of our house, turning them into my new studio.  He looked at me like I was nuts, but I kept talking, and eventually he warmed up to the idea.

Now that it’s complete, Zach couldn’t be happier.  He can see how thrilled I am with the finished product, and he gets to reclaim the main part of our house.  A win-win situation.

It’s actually a win-win-win situation, because I am positive that my students and their families will love it, too.  The entrance is right off of the driveway, there is a dedicated waiting room with plenty of comfy seating, and the studio is bright and inviting.

But instead of just telling you, I want to show you what I mean.  I took pictures of every last nook and cranny, and posted all 99 of them on my Facebook page.  Go take a look! And be sure to let me know what you think.