Music Therapy Connections has had quite the journey, from being based in my car (when I traveled to my students and clients), to my home, to 3 small rooms inside a music store, to now our own 2,500 square feet of space.
When my co-owner Katey and I stepped foot into the building for the first time, we knew it was where MTC was meant to be. We poured hours upon hours and our blood, sweat and tears (well, mostly Katey, since I had a newborn at the time) into making it the perfect studio for us.
Every time I walk in, I’m still a little taken aback by this place. I love being there first thing in the morning before my classes begin, when it’s quiet and tidy, but I love it even more in the afternoons and evenings when it’s packed with families, messy with bookbags, and full of musical sounds emanating from every room.
Katey and I, along with all our therapists and instructors, have worked incredibly hard to grow MTC into what it has become. Our families tell us all the time what a happy, cheerful studio we have, and how it is in the perfect location. We’re more than a little biased, but we always agree with them.
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This post is a part of my 23 Days of Gratitude series. Click here for the full list of posts. Thank you so much for reading and helping me celebrate the spirit of Thanksgiving!