When I was in seventh grade, we spent an entire unit of my home economics class learning to set the table properly. Now, many years later, I still sometimes mix up which side the fork, knive, and spoon are placed (just ask my mom, who knows from experience). So if a fully capable adult can’t always keep it straight, how can we expect a child to always set the table? By singing a song about it, of course!
At breakfast lunch and dinner,
Right before we eat,
We have to set the table,
The rules are short and sweet:
First comes the plate, it’s big and round:
Take it out of the cupboard and set it down.
Next comes the fork, everyone knows:
To the left of the plate is where it goes.
After that the knife and spoon:
To the right of the plate, we’ll be using soon.
Last are napkins and a cup,
Now our table is set so let’s eat up!
At breakfast lunch and dinner,
Right before we eat,
We have to set the table,
The rules are short and sweet!
And that’s all there is too it. I’ll just have to remind myself to sing this song at our next family dinner as I set the table. Happy dining!
good song!