Today, I’d like to share a letter I received from a teacher in Texas on behalf of her students past, present and future. I’ve mentioned her several times, and she is a member of Listen & Learn Plus. As music therapists, these are just the words we need to hear from time to time.
Esteemed Music Therapists,
Thank you. If you have not heard those words this week, thank you. Rachel mentioned in a recent blog she had a moment of doubt whether or not her therapy had an impact on a particular student. Most probably we have each struggled with this doubt at one time or another. However, I will attest your music and therapy does. Time and space do not allow me to recount the myriad of times music has opened closed doors for my students.
As a prekindergarten teacher I think maybe we share some of the same frustrations when it comes to advocating for our profession. At times both those inside and outside the education community lack an understanding of what we do and the impact it has on our students. Those of us who rely on music, and music therapists, as an integral part of our instruction know–especially those like me whose only musical talent is pressing a button on a CD player or iPod. If we have failed to thank you, let me do that now. If you have times of frustration, if others ask questions that show a lack of understanding, bring to mind one student, one moment when it was clear your gift to these souls was evident. Please keep using your gifts to open avenues of communication and cognition for our students.
Thank you, Rene, for your beautiful letter and for supporting music therapy. Your students are lucky that you understand the benefits of music, and that you use it to teach them regularly.