It’s been a few weeks since I posted a progress update on my new studio, and here’s the reason: there hasn’t been much progress :(  Well, unless you count the fact that my waiting room couches have been delivered and are in place.

Studio Waiting Room Couches

The truth is, I’m limited in the things I can do at this point since I’m using my current studio until the end of the spring session.  But come May 27, you better believe that I will be working like a crazy woman to get everything moved, decorated, and ready for students.

Between that day and the start of my summer session on June 13, I have my best friend’s wedding, my husband’s best friend’s wedding, my birthday, an acoustic gig, and a working weekend in Florida with my podcast co-hosts. So I’m sure you can imagine the stress I feel when I start thinking about my studio to-do list, which includes:

  • have new outside door painted and replaced
  • repaint entry way
  • install entry way partition
  • move office furniture & piano
  • wash window screens and privacy blinds
  • choose, purchase and hang curtains
  • organize office supplies and instruments
  • decorate (this is the really fun part)

Not to mention, prepare for my first week of 60+ students (yes, I just might be certifiably insane).  I also need to do paperwork, send out emails and registration invoices, and update my website with info for my new families.

The more I type, the more I realize that this supposed “progress update” has become an outlet of all the stress I’m feeling right now.  So if you’re still reading at this point, THANK YOU for this makeshift therapy session!

And I promise: after the 27th, I will share some real progress updates (and many more pictures) with you, my wonderfully patient and amazing friends.