24 Weeks Old

This week brought a BIG first in Parker’s life: baby’s first Thanksgiving! I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again — having a baby in our lives makes everything more exciting and joyful, especially holidays.

Thanksgiving is always a pretty low key day in our family. Parker slept through the night and didn’t wake up until around 8 that morning, which was a nice treat for mommy and daddy! We lazed around the house in our pajamas (not surprisingly, Parker had multiple pairs of themed jammies for the occasion) and then Parker hung out with Zach while I baked cookies to bring to dinner.

Baby's First Thanksgiving

We headed to our first dinner with my family, hosted by my mom and Joe, where Parker got to hang out with my cousin Steph and my aunt Julie. After that, we made a quick stop at my uncle and aunt’s, and Parker spent some quality time with grandpa Alan.

Baby's First Thanksgiving

Our last meal of the day was with Zach’s family at his cousin John’s house. All of the Rambach cousins were there, so Parker had lots of playmates. It was an awesome day filled with family, and as much fun as we had, it felt so nice to come home and relax as a little family of three.

Baby's First Thanksgiving